I promised a friend today I would try a more user-friendly style of writing my blogs, user friendly, as in, something which would actually egg the reader to read on further...so don't think I m being too wannabe-ish if u cud somehow grasp the sudden change in style...as i purposefully didn't want to use the word "unforetold" here....:P
ok, so here it goes again...the self obsessed blabbering of a fairy-believing, puppy-loving (naah, not in the literal sense pleez, i hate bitiks (courtesy: estee joe mathew) and puppies...it was just a way of putting it), khichdi-and-eggplant-hating, cheese-crazy, harrypotter fanatic. (fyki: PotterheadS are BORING...they soo luk at the wrong details of the story)...
Shittt...why does d sun always start glowing at the wrong moment??!!I prefer writing my blogs in cloudy weather, with no first and second half classes (seems it is an unrealistic inclusive set, which is deemed to intersect with an infinitesimal area of cohesion...n thats a self-cooked excuse for being shamelessly irregular in my blog.) so I will stop writing now....
naah, its not that jobless a blog-post as u think it is...true i did stop writing then, but then, I sure didn't click the "publish" button.
yeahh...the weather has turned rainy again, the "Confluence" is playing in the backgound, n i feel like writing again...
WTF! what on earth m i supposed to write about...well..let's start from here...its just that, I never underestimate the power of stupids in a large crowd.
Stupids, should never be left out; they should always be taken into account while performing major financial or social operations such as cost-management in big institutions, renovation of financial and hierarchical structures...(cool!!! this special spell check feature in the rich-text editor at Blogger just taught me there is no such word as "hierarchial"...its actually "hierarchical" :D n for giving this li'l bit of intel information, I have to endure that never-changed-since-the-advent-of-microsoft-wordspread-sheets red zigzag line under the word in question...i kinda dun like that...m a bit nerdy when it comes to spellings n grammars....must blame it on my catholic-school-upbringing) and also while planning big social gatherings like marriage parties, formal parties, (and allotment of dinner jackets..hehe), etc...
It holds unearthly powers...stupidity does. It could blow away film-shooting sets worth millions of rupees(Its important to mention here that I debated with myself for a few minutes before typing out this line...on the usage of the word "rupees", dollars seem no more classy...especially after the much acclaimed-in-BIT Standards n Poors (SP) fiasco, courtesy-Deven Sharma (ah!!red zigzag :(), who with all due respect is a BIT Alumnus) as shown in numerous Bollywood flicks at hapless comedy, one of which strike me at the moment as "Atithi Tum Kab Jaaoge"...
Stupids can exchange honey cans for wax cans, they could tell Sheldon Cooper's mom on him when he decides to procreate with Amy Farrah-Fowler, they could even tell on Harry Potter and company to McGonagall when they try to save the world from the resurrection of the back of Quirrel's head (Darn! I forgot Quirrel's first name). Sometimes they are such oxymoronic-geek-stupids, that they go ask for permission of profs before mass-bunking a class on the Raksha-Bandhan eve.
Ah! Now that I think about it all the three beholders of the above-given examples of stupidity are actually respectable people! (Yes, Penny too!)
Nincompoops and their respective (n repsectable) poops create a balance in the world-they are a chi to the other's cha's...they are yin to their yang, and I doubt if the star of David would ever have been complete lest they had been absent.
It holds unearthly powers...stupidity does. It could blow away film-shooting sets worth millions of rupees(Its important to mention here that I debated with myself for a few minutes before typing out this line...on the usage of the word "rupees", dollars seem no more classy...especially after the much acclaimed-in-BIT Standards n Poors (SP) fiasco, courtesy-Deven Sharma (ah!!red zigzag :(), who with all due respect is a BIT Alumnus) as shown in numerous Bollywood flicks at hapless comedy, one of which strike me at the moment as "Atithi Tum Kab Jaaoge"...

Ah! Now that I think about it all the three beholders of the above-given examples of stupidity are actually respectable people! (Yes, Penny too!)
Nincompoops and their respective (n repsectable) poops create a balance in the world-they are a chi to the other's cha's...they are yin to their yang, and I doubt if the star of David would ever have been complete lest they had been absent.
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