Monday, August 1, 2011


I sit down jotting memorabilia
and all I gather is a mass of meaningless cacophony
ranging from subtle whispers of the young me
to the fiery tempers of the teen-sie me..
from the me who lived in green meadows (read gadepan)
miles away from the nearest supermarkets
sashaying past the rural suburbs, I was proud of then
and one more sweep of a blink takes me
to the time, when chords were all I had
whether be them those of circles taught tirelessly in school
or be them those of my own cackly voice
I remember I got my bikethe last of all
and rejoiced it, basking in its delayed glory,
I remember too, my scooter that is now ogling absent
my computer which then meant nothing more than a wonder
complete with mice and tail swishes
yeah...when web was to be feared, not prized, like now...
associating them with diabolic spiders
whn i lived so faraway from town, streetlamps glowed,
when i left house as well as when i returned
at dawn and dusk...
when sarees meant a drape of of mom's chunri
when rain-bathing did not reek of fears of damaged tresses
to the time when we first were scared of how to lie
when boys asked us why the "partial" teachers took girls to the audi
and Harry Potter was all we could cook
when evening games were not divided on the basis of skirts and shorts,
when the dvent of hotpants and salwars were far into the future
to the time of which I remember nothing, more than white ruled sheets and dubious blue ink...
to the time thats yet to come, premonitored by goru-gaaris (read bullock carts)
and loreal lipsticks...
and mango bags and suzy smiths
which sadly are not just fruits and cartoons...

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